Category Archives: General

Love, Rage, and (Dis)Connection

Here’s a new compilation of writings culled from Love & Rage, the Love & Rage Federation Bulletin, the Chicago-based Wind Chill Factor, and the publication (Dis)Connection. All were produced in the 1990s and help to give an idea of some of the debates that were happening within the anarchist space in the U.S. in the 1990s.

The pieces include:

  • “Fighting White Supremacy” by Lorenzo Komboa Ervin
  • “Proposal for a New Love and Rage Initiative on Race and Color” by Lorenzo Komboa Ervin
  • “Intercollectivism: A Critical View of the Network of Anarchist Collectives” by Brian

In addition to the pieces above, there is a brief introduction with historical information introducing the various projects and publications.

Get the PDF here: Love, Rage, and (Dis)Connection

Zine: Excerpts from “Passionate and Dangerous”

passionate-dangerousA. Iwasa, the editor/author of the Anarchist History Nerd Brigade zine, The A-Zone and a Decade of Anarchy in Chicago, recently completed a 24-hour zine challenge title that expands on that history.

The new zine consists of excerpts from the publication “Passionate and Dangerous” which came out in 1998. It was an effort to document the activity of anarchist and anti-authoritarians in the Midwest by way of conversations with folks involved in a range of anarchist projects. The excerpts featured in this zine concern the A-Zone (Autonomous Zone) in Chicago, with the zine reprinting interviews with A-Zone participants while the project was still functioning.

Check it out here!


claim_no_easyA new version of “Claim No Easy Victories” has been posted as the old version had some odd formatting errors. The new version should be easy to print and reproduce.

Additionally, new versions of all of our zines have been posted. For the most part, they are the same with the addition of proper contact information. We have also added screen readable versions.

We’re currently at work on a few projects, including a zine on the history of the Autonomous Zone in Chicago.